Concession Agreement Sample Clauses

Concession Agreement. Without Lender’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, Borrower shall not cause or permit Mortgage Borrower to (a) surrender, terminate or cancel the Concession Agreement; (b) reduce or consent to the reduction of the term of the Concession Agreement; (c) decrease or consent to the decrease of the amount of any charges due by the Operator under the Concession Agreement; or (d) modify, change, supplement, alter or amend, in any material respect the Concession Agreement or waive or release, in any material respect any of Borrower’s rights and remedies under the Concession Agreement;

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Concession Agreement. The Concessionaire hereby accepts the Concession and agrees and undertakes to implement the Project/ manage the Project Facility, and to perform/ discharge all of its obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. PROJECT SITE ARTICLE 3

Concession Agreement. (1) Where (either before or after the passing of this Act) the Secretary of State enters into an agreement with a person for the construction by that person of the new bridge (whether or not together with any other of the scheduled works), the agreement may also provide—

Concession Agreement agreements executed between the STATE, as representative of the holders of the services, and the CONCESSIONAIRES, with the intervention and consent of the REGULATORY AGENCY, with the purpose of regulating the concession of water supply and sanitation services;

Concession Agreement. The Xxxxxx Park Chamber of Commerce, Oysterfest Committee hereby grants to whose address is Asbury Park, NJ, subject to all applicable federal, state, county, local laws and regulations, and on the following terms and conditions: - Exhibitor Set-up: Friday 9am - 3pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am - 10am. There will be NO DESIGNATED PARKING, vendors must remove all vehicles one hour prior to the start of the event and will not be permitted on festival grounds until the event is over and visitors have left the site. We will assist anyone with special needs on a first come, first serve basis. ARRIVE EARLY! - Hours: Exhibitors MUST be open for business by 5:00pm on Friday and remain open for all days and hours of the festival. Vendor’s area must be staffed during the entire time that the event is open to the public on each day of the festival, early break down will not be allowed. - Space: Any displays, merchandise racks, props, signs, or other free standing equipment must be ’ vendor’s purchased space. - Reservation: No tables/spaces will be reserved by application alone, ALL payments must accompany application. Your payment reserves your space for the festival. - Guarantee: Exhibitor space is limited and is not guaranteed until your space is paid in full. - Locations: Exhibitor location will be assigned by the festival committee. Please include any special requests on your application. We do our best to accommodate requests but cannot promise anyone a specific spot at the festival. There will be no changing of spaces - the space provided will be your space for the event. - Utilities: ELECTRICITY IS NOT PROVIDED. If you need power bring a quiet generator or battery. - Refunds: Exhibitor fees are NOT refundable for any reason. Please contact our office if you have an extenuating circumstance. - Smoking: Smoking is prohibited within vendor spaces. - Parking: There is NO DESIGNATED PARKING for vendors at the festival. There is on-street parking available at an hourly rate, and surface parking lots for a daily rate. Parking rates are set by the City of Xxxxxx Park and LAZ Parking respectivly and are non-negotiable. - All vendors agree to hold blameless all Oysterfest staff members, volunteer workers and festival employees and agents against any loss, damage, theft, expenses, claims or actions arising from any personal or property damage, loss or theft due to said vendors participation in Oysterfest. Contract Signature:

Concession Agreement. The Borrower (i) shall use the proceeds of the TIFIA Loan only for Eligible Project Costs, (ii) shall comply with the Concession Agreement in all material respects and (iii) shall not terminate the Concession Agreement without the TIFIA Lender’s consent.

Concession Agreement. Lake Seller’s right, title and interest as concessionaire under the Lake Concession Agreement. As used herein, the term “Lake Concession Agreement” shall mean the documents listed on Schedule 2.1.1.

Concession Agreement. Operator acknowledges that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease Agreement, Operator will lose any right to occupy the Premises for the Lease Term if Operator is not, as part of the Request for Qualifications process, awarded a Concession Agreement for the operation of a Rental Car Concession for each Concession Term over the Lease Term. For the initial Concession Term, the Port shall employ a Concession Agreement substantially in the form attached as Exhibit O.

Concession Agreement. The awarded party shall enter into a concession agreement within thirty (30) days from receipt of a Notice of Award in the form attached to this RFP as Exhibit B (the “Concession Agreement”). Issues regarding the Concession Agreement terms should be raised prior to the submission of proposals, and if the Airport determines that a provision is in need of inclusion, deletion or amendment, an addendum will be issued to all potential proposers. If a proposer takes exception to any non-material provision(s) of the proposed Concession Agreement, the proposer must identify with specificity in its response the provision to which exception is taken, the basis for the exception, and the RFP respondent’s proposed alternative language or provision to address that exception, by providing a redlined copy of the Concession Agreement. Any exceptions or changes not so identified in the RFP response will be deemed waived.

Concession Agreement. In case a competent court defines some of the clauses of this Concession Agreement null and void or unenforceable, the nullity or the lack of opportunity for fulfillment shall not affect the rest of the clauses of this Concession Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. The Parties agree that they will make efforts to replace any null or unenforceable clause by a valid and enforceable one that to maximum possible extent shall have the same effect as the null or unenforceable clause would have.