Test your knowledge for free with our hunter education practice test! This is not the official hunter education exam, however the questions are similar to the ones you will have to answer during the official exam. You will have access to the correct answer by clicking on the RIGHT OR WRONG? button after choosing your answer. All hunter education questions come with multiple choice options.
Question 1 of 10 hunter education testWhat is the name of the part of a shotshell highlighted in blue?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Powder is a chemical mixture that, when ignited, creates gases that propel the bullet or shot through the barrel.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Powder is a chemical mixture that, when ignited, creates gases that propel the bullet or shot through the barrel.
Question 2 of 10 hunter education testWhat is the name of the part of a shotshell highlighted in blue?
Congratulations, good answer!
The primer is an explosive compound that ignites the powder charge when struck by a firing pin.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The primer is an explosive compound that ignites the powder charge when struck by a firing pin.
Question 3 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these cartridges is a magnum?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Magnum cartridges have more powder and/or shot than other cartridges.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Magnum cartridges have more powder and/or shot than other cartridges.
Question 4 of 10 hunter education testWhere is the best vital area to aim?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
A well placed shot striking the heart, lungs, or liver will kill cleanly and quickly. Hitting very specific spots on an animal, which does not have "bull's eye" like a paper target, requires intimate knowledge of the animal's anatomy. Most hunters should think of the heart and lungs as the best vital areas to aim at.
Sorry, wrong answer.
A well placed shot striking the heart, lungs, or liver will kill cleanly and quickly. Hitting very specific spots on an animal, which does not have "bull's eye" like a paper target, requires intimate knowledge of the animal's anatomy. Most hunters should think of the heart and lungs as the best vital areas to aim at.
Question 5 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these firearm sights is a bead sight?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Used on shotgun barrels and located near the muzzle of the barrel. Allows the hunter to position his cheek on the stock in such a way that he will not sight above or below a moving target.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Used on shotgun barrels and located near the muzzle of the barrel. Allows the hunter to position his cheek on the stock in such a way that he will not sight above or below a moving target.
Question 6 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these field carry positions is the sling position?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Big game hunters find a sling very helpful to carry and shoot a firearm accurately from the off-hand position. The sling carry is not recommended in difficult terrain. On such occasions, the rifle should be held in your hands (ready carry) for complete muzzle control.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Big game hunters find a sling very helpful to carry and shoot a firearm accurately from the off-hand position. The sling carry is not recommended in difficult terrain. On such occasions, the rifle should be held in your hands (ready carry) for complete muzzle control.
Question 7 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these shooting positions is the prone position?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
The prone position offers the most body support and stability. It is the most accurate for long distance shots.
However, if the grass is long or if there are many small bushes, it could obstruct your shooting vision.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The prone position offers the most body support and stability. It is the most accurate for long distance shots.
However, if the grass is long or if there are many small bushes, it could obstruct your shooting vision.
Question 8 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these shooting positions is the standing position?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
The off-hand shooting position is very practical for hunting, but offers the least amount of accuracy. The use of a sling while shooting off-hand will improve a person's aim.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The off-hand shooting position is very practical for hunting, but offers the least amount of accuracy. The use of a sling while shooting off-hand will improve a person's aim.
Question 9 of 10 hunter education testWhich field carry should the last person in a hunting group traveling in a single file use?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
The sling carry is recommended for the last hunter traveling in a single file. Do not use this method if someone is behind you.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The sling carry is recommended for the last hunter traveling in a single file. Do not use this method if someone is behind you.
Question 10 of 10 hunter education testWhat is the name of the part of the firearm highlighted in blue on this rifle?
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The metal tube through which the bullet, shot or slug travels when the cartridge is fired is the barrel.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The metal tube through which the bullet, shot or slug travels when the cartridge is fired is the barrel.
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What is the name of the part of the firearm highlighted in blue on this rifle?
Congratulations, good answer!
Sight is any of numerous optical devices that aid in aiming a firearm. Its forms include the simple iron sights on pistols and the more complex front and rear sights on target and high-powered sporting rifles.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Sight is any of numerous optical devices that aid in aiming a firearm. Its forms include the simple iron sights on pistols and the more complex front and rear sights on target and high-powered sporting rifles.
Question 2 of 10 hunter education testWhat is the name of the part of a firearm highlighted in blue on this rifle?
Congratulations, good answer!
The action is the heart of the firearm. Contains the moving parts which load, fire, and eject the shells.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The action is the heart of the firearm. Contains the moving parts which load, fire, and eject the shells
Question 3 of 10 hunter education testWhat is the name of the part of the firearm highlighted in blue on this semi-automatic handgun?
Congratulations, good answer!
The hammer works on a rotating basis: when the trigger is pulled, a spring forces the hammer to rotate, hitting the firing pin which then hits the primer of the cartridge, igniting it and thus firing the gun.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The hammer works on a rotating basis: when the trigger is pulled, a spring forces the hammer to rotate, hitting the firing pin which then hits the primer of the cartridge, igniting it and thus firing the gun.
Question 4 of 10 hunter education testWhat is the name of the part of the firearm highlighted in blue on this revolver?
Congratulations, good answer!
In firearms, the cylinder is the cylindrical, rotating part of a revolver containing multiple chambers, each of which is capable of holding a single cartridge.
Sorry, wrong answer.
In firearms, the cylinder is the cylindrical, rotating part of a revolver containing multiple chambers, each of which is capable of holding a single cartridge.
Question 5 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these firearm sights is an aperture sight?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
The rear sight has a small hole that the shooter must look(peep) through. The front sight is usually a post sight. The human eye automatically centers the front sight in the rear peep or aperture sight. The front sight is then aligned with the target. These sights are more accurate than open sights.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The rear sight has a small hole that the shooter must look(peep) through. The front sight is usually a post sight. The human eye automatically centers the front sight in the rear peep or aperture sight. The front sight is then aligned with the target. These sights are more accurate than open sights.
Question 6 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these handguns is a revolver?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
A revolver contains a revolving cylinder in which bullets are loaded.
Sorry, wrong answer.
A revolver contains a revolving cylinder in which bullets are loaded.
Question 7 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these firearm safeties is a cross-bolt safety?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Common on pump and semi-automatic firearms. Located at either the rear or front of the trigger guard. Simple push button action blocks the trigger mechanism.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Common on pump and semi-automatic firearms. Located at either the rear or front of the trigger guard. Simple push button action blocks the trigger mechanism.
Question 8 of 10 hunter education testWhich one of these firearm safeties is a slide safety?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Found only on hinge-action shotguns and a few rifles. This safety blocks the trigger or sear, which is the link between the trigger and firing pin.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Only found on bolt-action rifles. Also called the three-position safety. Located at the rear of the bolt on the cocking piece of the bolt-action
Question 9 of 10 hunter education testWhich ammunition is considered to be a centerfire ammunition?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Centerfire ammunitions are used for rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Primer is located in the center of the case head.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Centerfire ammunitions are used for rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Primer is located in the center of the case head.
Question 10 of 10 hunter education testWhich of these bow types is the most popular?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
The compound bow, using a system of cables and pulleys, is the most popular bow for both hunting and target shooting. The greatest advantage of the compound bow is its "draw weight let-off."
Sorry, wrong answer.
The compound bow, using a system of cables and pulleys, is the most popular bow for both hunting and target shooting. The greatest advantage of the compound bow is its "draw weight let-off."
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What is the name of the bow part highlighted in blue?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Sorry, wrong answer.
The correct answer is grip.
Question 2 of 10 hunters ed testWhat is the name of the arrow part highlighted in blue?
Congratulations, good answer!
The plastic vanes or feathers on an arrow are referred to as fletching. Fletching creates wind drag providing stability and accuracy in flight.
Sorry, wrong answer.
The plastic vanes or feathers on an arrow are referred to as fletching. Fletching creates wind drag providing stability and accuracy in flight.
Question 3 of 10 hunters ed testWhich one of these elevated stands is a ladder stand?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Ladder stands include a ladder and platform that can be secured to a tree.
Each section of a ladder should be held together with retainer pins, clips, bolts or some other device provided by the manufacturer to prevent the ladder sections from coming apart unexpectedly. Check every ladder section connection every time you leave the ground. If ladder sections are separating, do not use the stand.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Ladder stands include a ladder and platform that can be secured to a tree.
Each section of a ladder should be held together with retainer pins, clips, bolts or some other device provided by the manufacturer to prevent the ladder sections from coming apart unexpectedly. Check every ladder section connection every time you leave the ground. If ladder sections are separating, do not use the stand.
Question 4 of 10 hunters ed testWhich one of these traps is a trap foot hold?
Right or Wrong?Congratulations, good answer!
Leghold traps are manufactured in a variety of styles including longspring trap, coilspring trap, jump trap or underspring trap, and padded trap. They come in many sizes and must be matched to the size of the animal being trapped. Leghold traps may be used on land and water.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Leghold traps are manufactured in a variety of styles including longspring trap, coilspring trap, jump trap or underspring trap, and padded trap. They come in many sizes and must be matched to the size of the animal being trapped. Leghold traps may be used on land and water.
Question 5 of 10 hunters ed testWhich firearm safety rules does the following picture refer to?
Never shoot at water or a flat, hard surface
Only Point a firearm at things you want to shoot
Store firearms and ammunition separately
Be sure the barrel and action of your firearm are clear of all obstructions
Congratulations! Good answer!
Be sure the barrel and action of your firearm are clear of all obstructions.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Be sure the barrel and action of your firearm are clear of all obstructions.
Question 6 of 10 hunters ed testWhich firearm safety rules does the following picture refer to?
Unload firearms when not in use
Be sure the barrel and action of your firearm are clear of all obstructions
Control the muzzle of your firearm
Avoid drugs and alcoholic beverages
Congratulations! Correct answer!
Unload firearms when not in use.
Sorry, wrong answer.
Unload firearms when not in use.
Question 7 of 10 hunters ed testWhat is the name of the part of the firearm highlighted in blue?