Please provide your basic contact information in case we need to follow up on your complaint.
Middle Name Address Line Two Phone NumberI am the insured person associated with this complaint.
I am not the insured person associated with this complaint.
I am a healthcare provider submitting this complaint on behalf of a patient.
Please provide as many details as possible regarding your complaint.
Please describe your expected resolution for your complaint.
Reason for Complaint - Select up to three (3) items
If you have any supporting documentation, please attach it below.
This complaint form, all documents you send us, and any document received by our office as a result of handling your complaint may be a public record, subject to Ohio's Public Records Act. This law requires all public records to be available for inspection by anyone, upon request.
Supporting Document One Supporting Document Two Supporting Document ThreeTo the best of my knowledge the above statement is correct. I understand that a copy of this form and any attachments may be sent to the insurance company or agent involved. I authorize the insurance company to release all of the medical records relating to this complaint to the Ohio Department of Insurance and I authorize the Ohio Department of Insurance to release medical records relating to this complaint to the insurance company or agent as necessary in order to resolve this complaint. I represent that I have the proper authority to execute this release.
I agree Submit Complaint Submit Complaint button disabled? Please check the "I Agree" box above. Warning! One or more validation issues occurredWe were unable to process your request due to an issue with one or more of your entries. Please correct the indicated fields and try again.
Error! Your complaint has been created, but errors were encountered. You may be contacted by an analyst from the Ohio Department of Insurance.
Ohio Department of Insurance
50 West Town Street
Third Floor - Suite 300
Columbus OH 43215
Consumers 800-686-1526 | Medicare 800-686-1578 | Fraud & Enforcement 800-686-1527