How To Evict Someone Without A Lease: Landlord Guide

can you evict a tenant without a lease

Do you have someone living in your rental property who is not on the lease, and you want them to leave or need to pursue eviction? Knowing how to proceed can be challenging for landlords, whether it’s because of expired leases or inherited tenants.

Under the law, someone living in your rental property without a lease is still considered a tenant. Therefore, you’ll need to follow the same general guidelines you would take to evict any tenant, even if there is no written lease agreement.

However, it’s crucial to avoid common pitfalls that may result in paying fines or relinquishing partial control of your property. Today, we’ll take you step-by-step through the legal status of tenants without a lease and how you can evict them. We’ll also answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the process and share how to deal with problematic tenants without leases as quickly as possible.

A Table Of Contents For Removing A Tenant Without A Lease

Doing a no-lease eviction has a lot of similarities to other evictions, but there are aspects that you should pay extra close attention to. Ensure that you don’t slip up along the way by following this guide: